Perhaps you’ve bought all three Rhymetime CDs, and listened to them on loop for weeks on end. You might want some other music for a change. I’ll let you into a secret. A couple of years ago I made some of the music on my blog available to buy or even just to stream. So that’s an option for you.
But ok, I can see that even the most ardent Rhymetime fan might like a break now and then. Most children will listen to your music quite happily but when you want something specifically for them, there is a huge range of music to choose from. Unfortunately there’s a lot of twee rubbish out there and plenty of electronic music that gets old very quickly. Never fear! Every month I will come to your rescue with a recommendation. This month it’s………
This is a Canadian band who turned their hand to children’s music when they had their own little ones. We first came upon them through a Nodcast podcast which kept us all chortling in the car, journey after journey. From that it was one small step to the Snacktime CD and Barenaked for the Holidays, both albums that entertain a wide age range. Their music is eminently listenable with funny lyrics (with jokes for grown-ups) catchy tunes and energy. Try There’s a word for that and 7,8,9.
Let me know what you think, and what you are listening to these days.
PS. You can get the first Rhymetime CD digitally now. Hurrah!