Or….. from limitations to strengths in the age of social distancing.

Next week, I will be back in Bedminster Methodist Church Hall, singing with you again, in-person. After six months of online sessions, this will feel momentous. Of course, I will not just be flinging open the doors of the hall and letting everyone flood in, run around and interact in a way we used to call normal. There will be definite changes. These are to keep people safe and we’re becoming used to restrictions on our behaviour to protect ourselves and others around us.
We often see rules as negatives, things that stop us from doing what we want to do. But I’ve been thinking about the Orson Welles quote “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”. Now let me make it clear that I am NOT suggesting that Rhymetime is “art”! However, perhaps these new COVID19 limitations could actually make the experience of Rhymetime better. I’ve been thinking carefully about keeping everyone safe, and how these new conditions could enhance your experience. Over the next couple of days, I want to look at how these vital safety measures could bring real benefits to you and your experience of Rhymetime.
Tomorrow: small groups and committing yourself.
Sign-up if you’d like to join me.